Terminalia Arjuna, commonly known as the “Arjun tree” is a widely grown tree commonly found throughout the greater parts of India. It has various medicinal properties like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial.

Terminalia arjuna

Religious Relation- The name “Arjuna” is well known and is most associated with the central character of Mahabharata, the warrior hero Arjuna. According to Bhagavata Purana, Nalakuber, and Manigriva, the sons of Kubera were cursed to turn into the Arjun tree by Narada. After about 100 years, the two were relieved of the curse by Lord Krishna.


1# Heart benefits:

Terminalia Arjuna is helpful in the handling of chest pain (angina). According to some studies; the bark of Arjuna lowers chest pain by reducing the level of cortisol i.e. the stress hormone. The bark of Arjuna (Arjuna chaal) consists of coenzyme Q10, a nutrient that acts as an antioxidant and helps to improve HDL levels and is crucial for people with high blood pressure.

It is used as a drug to increase cardiac output and helps in the dilation of the blood vessels and prevents from narrowing of arteries and blockage of blood flow (atherosclerosis).

According to Ayurveda, Arjuna helps to control heart disease (Hridaya) and helps to maintain normal blood pressure and heart rate. This is due to its cardiac tonic property.

For heart-related problems- Take 4-8 teaspoons of Arjuna kwath (made from the extracts of the Arjuna bark). Add the same quantity of milk or water to it. Drink once or twice a day after food to reduce the risk of heart disease.

2# Lung benefits:

Terminalia Arjuna helps in strengthening lung tissues and balances excess Kapha and pitta in the lungs for clear, calm breathing. Terminalia Arjuna is the ultimate tonic for respiratory disorders like asthma, infection, cough, cold, and bronchitis (kasroga). Poor diet and incomplete elimination of wastes lead to the formation of Ama (toxin or undigested metabolic waste). This Ama collects in the form of mucous in the lungs and results in kasroga. Arjuna helps in removing mucous deposits from the respiratory tract and provides relief from cough and stuffy nose.

– Take 4-8 teaspoons of Arjuna kwath (made from the extracts of the Arjuna bark). Add the same quantity of milk or water to it. Drink once or twice a day after food to reduce the risk of lung problems.

3# Ear benefits:

Terminalia Arjuna leaf juice is recommended for earache that happens due to ear infections. It has antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

4# Improve fertility:

Terminalia Arjuna helps to improve reproductive tissue, known in Ayurvedha as Shukra dhatu. It helps to treat pyospermia (Puyameha), oligospermia, asthenozoospermia and enhances spermatogenesis. The bark of Arjuna is a rich source of antioxidants and metals such as zinc which helps to improve the production of male hormones like testosterone and treats conditions like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It also improves male stamina.

5# Kidney benefits:

Terminalia Arjuna helps manage kidney diseases such as uremia by applying the aqueous bark extract of Arjuna. It also helps in the excretion of excess uric acid and upholding proper uric acid level in the kidney and also prevent from the formation of kidney stones due to its anti-lithiasis property.


1. Arjuna may interact with the blood thinner. Consult your physician if you are taking anticoagulant drugs.

 2. Avoid taking Arjuna, if you are breastfeeding.

3. Arjuna may decrease blood sugar levels. Consult before taking it.

4. Avoid using Arjuna during pregnancy.

Disclaimer- The blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog. I am wishing you good health, fitness, and happiness.

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