
Habits are the small actions you perform every day. Your life today is the sum of your habits. To look attractive take a view at some daily healthy habits.

Oral Health habits- to Look Attractive

According to a survey conducted by National Ambulatory Medical Care states that men are less likely than women to seek preventive dental care and often neglect their oral health. Some of the common problems related to oral health are Yellow teeth, Dry lips, and Bad smell.

If you have any of these don’t worry here’s the solution-

  • Maintaining a habit of brushing at night: There is a consistent build-up of acid in your mouth, but the saliva keeps neutralizing the acid due to its calcium presence. However, saliva production decreases while you’re asleep, which can lead to an increase in acid levels that allow bacteria to start eating your teeth. If you brush your teeth before sleeping, the fluoride that remains in your mouth will maintain the saliva level in your mouth, preventing any damage caused due to the bacteria. Here are some recommendations by worlds experts on fluoride toothpaste:
  • 1. Colgate
  • 2. Sensodyne
  • 3. Crest
  • Oil pulling: Oil pulling may be beneficial for reducing the number of bacteria in the mouth, improving gum health, and preventing issues like bad breath and cavities. It’s also simple and easy to add to your routine. For oil pulling, you can use oils such as coconut oil or olive oil.

For performing oil pulling, you will put one spoonful of coconut oil or olive oil in your mouth as soon as you wake up in the morning. You have to rinse it for 10 minutes then you can spit it. After this, you will brush and not eat or drink anything for at least half an hour.

  • Use a tongue cleaner: A tongue scraper or cleaner can be used to clean your tongue after you brush your teeth. Your tongue is sensitive, so it’s essential to be gentle and not press the cleaner too forcefully into your tongue.
  • Visit a Dentist once every 2 months: For teeth cleaning and removal of any stains or plaque to keep your teeth attractive.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking: Smokers are at an increased risk of getting gum disease and consuming an excessive amount of alcohol raises the quantity of acid in the mouth that results in tooth decay, enamel loss, and the production of cavities. Cigarette smoking also causes dry lips and yellow stain on teeth.
  • Fix dry lips: If you have dry lips, always keep a small Vaseline or lip balm with you and apply them whenever they get dry. This habit leaves a long-lasting impression.

Body Grooming

When it comes to body grooming most men are not giving attention to it. So if you want to look attractive and healthy you need to keep a fixed routine for removing your body hair.

Points to keep in mind while removing body hair

  • Remove excess hair: It is necessary to remove excess hair from your Nose, Ears, Neck, and Back. I would suggest using scissors or a trimmer to remove excess hair from your nose every week. Use a trimmer to do the same with your ears and also removed it from your neck and back with someone’s help.
  • Fix your eyebrows: It is important to remove the hair between your eyebrows because it is unattractive. You can do it with a trimmer or you can get threading done once a month.

Body Odor

Like every unique body, the odor is also unique for every person. For reducing body odor, we need to know what causes body odor.

  • Diet: Everything that happens in your body will always be related to what you’re eating. When foods like onions and drinks like alcohol can leave your mouth smelling for the entire day, imagine how they can affect the body’s odor. Some other food items that can cause your sweat to smell are garlic, spicy foods, and red meat. Not only these, any food containing sulfur can cause your sweat to smell. Hence, it is important to eat alkaline foods like fruits, vegetables, etc. that neutralize these acidic foods and help in giving us a neutral body odor.
  • Excessive Sweating: You stink when there is bacteria build up in sweaty areas. Therefore, the more you sweat the more you will stink. The apocrine glands are responsible for that bad smell. The sweat produced by these glands is high in protein, which is easier for the bacteria to break. Most of these glands in the skin are located in areas like the groin and armpits. This is why certain areas have a stronger odor. To counter this here’s the solution-

Bath twice a day – We shower in the morning but our body produces sweat till the evening. This sweat can combine with bacteria and cause allergic reactions on our skin and also negatively impacts our body odor. That’s why you should take hot showers at night, this will help you sleep better and also improve body odor.

Using ittar or coconut oil- Using ittar also helps to get rid of bad smells. They are made with natural flower extracts and will give you a pleasant body fragrance for the rest of the day. Using coconut oil as a moisturizer is also a good option.

Use roll-on – Since our underarms emit the most odor, using a good roll-on is a better option.


It is important to make sure that you have a good dynamic and static posture to look attractive. A person looks unattractive if their neck and shoulders are slouched forward.

If you have slouched shoulders, you should do back exercises in the gym like pulldowns and rowing movements that will fix your posture. If you have forward neck posture issues then start doing stretching and yoga every day.

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